HOME>Privacy Policy
NAKATA Manufacturing Co. (hereinafter referred to as "NAKATA") shall comply with the laws and related regulations of personal information protection, and strive to establish rules and systems within our organization. We conduct our business in such manner that we contribute to the development of the sound society. Here we declare our policy to protect personal information, and enforce and maintain the said policy.
- (1) NAKATA uses customers' personal information (that can identify individuals) in order to fulfill contracts with the customer and to provide information that is useful to the customer.
- (2) When NAKATA receives personal information provided by customer, we do notify the party of the purpose, the usage and corporate contact information with us.
- (3) Unless having a prior consent of the customer, permitted by the law, or NAKATA's business contractor with whom we have confidentiality agreement for the purpose of fulfilling duties of the original intent within the limit of necessity, NAKATA will not disclose any personal information to the third parties.
- (4) NAKATA will manage personal information through appointment of responsible staff in order to protect privacy. In addition, we will make sure that all employees are properly made aware of the importance and are trained.
- (5) NAKATA will establish security measures to protect personal information provided by customers from unauthorized access, loss, leak, and tampering.
- (6) If customer wishes to review personal information of his/her own, to make correction, or to delete, we promise to process it after receiving the request by the person in charge of the matter at NAKATA within rational limits and in reasonable timeframe.
Please contact below department for complaints or inquiry about handling of personal information at NAKATA.
NAKATA Manufacturing Co.
Attention: General Business Office
Tel: (81)-6-6303-1900